The Performance of ESA’s Science Directorate Missions
Participants: A. Parmar, G. de Marchi, G.Pilbratt and J. Zarnecki
By zoom: G. Hussain, E. Kuulkers, and N. Schartel
The first day will be spend reviewing the status of each chapter and identifying work needed for completion and examining open issues.
Tuesday 21 November 2023, 09:00-18:00
- Approval of Agenda
- Status and contents of chapters. Presentations outlining the current status and open issues
- ESA Mission Publications – GdM
- Payload provision to the ESA Science Programme – JZ
- XMM Observing Time Proposals – AP
- INTEGRAL Observing Time Proposals – EK (by Zoom)
- Herschel Observing Time Proposals – GP
- Publication open issues
- List all authors on the first page? Anyone missing? Editors? Referees?
- Do we want to have a comparison with other agencies missions’?
- Do we want anything on Science Team composition for solar system missions?
- For the gender related stuff, do we want to include other authors with different skills?
- Plan of activities for the rest of the meeting and subsequently
22-24 November 2023 starting at 09:00-18:00
Parallel working sessions on each chapter
Final drafting of the conclusions chapter
Agenda 21-24 November 2023 (pdf) >>
Agenda 12-14 April 2023 (pdf) >>
last update October 24, 2023